6801M Automatic Switch Operator
For overhead distribution switches and disconnects
This operator makes it easy to automate new or existing manual overhead distribution switches and disconnects of nearly any manufacture
6801M Automatic Switch Operators are fully integrated, microprocessor-based controls that let you automate almost any distribution-class switch. By combining and testing the electromechanical components, RTU, control, and communications as a single package, we also added intelligence, increased reliability, and reduced costs.
The 6801M operator monitors the switching cycle and can automatically take corrective action in the event of stuck, frozen, or welded contacts. This protects your equipment from partial operations.
With the optional radio faulted circuit indicators, the switch operator can also isolate faults without the need for expensive line post current sensors. Sectionalizing is based on voltage loss (with or without prior fault).
When equipped with the optional voltage and current sensing option, 6801M Switch Operators provide true RMS voltage and current readings plus fault detection, as well as automatic sectionalizing and loss of phase capabilities. Key features of the 6801M Switch Operator include:
- Fully integrates electromechanical components, RTU, control, and communications as a single package
- Works with most distribution-class switches including S&C Alduti-Rupter®
- Automates retrofitted or new installations
- Provides torsional or reciprocating operation
- Protects switches from partial open or close operations
- Uses microprocessor control for all functions
- Field-proven single power supply/battery system
- Fast, easy, and precise setup with the IntelliLink® Setup Software
- Full range of safety features
- Emergency override commands
- Loss of voltage operation
- True RMS voltage and current sensing option
- Radio faulted circuit indicator option
- Dependable, cost-effective solution for remote switching.
6801M Automatic Switch Operators are suitable for automating all S&C Alduti-Rupter® Switches and S&C Convertible Disconnects, in all voltage and current ratings, with no limitations to the interrupting or operating life of these devices.
6801M Operators have also been mechanically tested with, and determined suitable for operating, the following non-S&C-manufactured overhead distribution switches and disconnects:
- Southern States Upright, Vertical-Break Gang-Operated, 46-kV, 600-Ampere Disconnects
- Chance/Hubbell Upright, Side-Break Gang-Operated, 15-kV and 25-kV, 900-Ampere Switches, and
- Alstom Upright, Vertical-Break Gang-Operated, 25-kV, 600-Ampere Switches with Quick-Make/Quick-Break Mechanism.
See S&C Specification Bulletin 1045M-31 for more details. Other non-S&C-manufactured overhead distribution switches and disconnects may also be suitable for power operation using 6801M Operators. Please contact the nearest S&C Sales Office for details.
S&C offers a wide variety of communications hardware options and software protocols for our Switch Controls. Note that not all options are available with all configurations of Switch Controls. Check with your local S&C representative to discuss communications hardware and protocol availability for your specific application. The hardware options include:
- Landis+Gyr Series 4 Radios
- MDS — Microwave Data Systems
- ProSoft Technology
- Fiber optic transceivers
- Other communication devices are available.
Radios and modems may be factory-mounted inside most controls to save on installation costs. Protocol options include DNP 3.0.
You can upgrade the protocols in the field using IntelliLink® Setup Software, the Windows®-based program for interfacing with the control locally. This gives you a simple migration path to new protocol implementations.